
Why I Haven’t Created Another Stuffy Fertility Website, That Makes You Feel Excluded

Have you ever wondered why there’s a feeling of jumping through extra hoops when accessing fertility services and support?

Have you ever considered why healthcare professionals and fertility specialists aren’t as diversified as the people they treat?

Have you ever wondered if you don’t see yourself in a support group space are your needs really understood?


A Bit About Me

My name is Grace and my favourite colours are bright pinks, bright greens and all things garish. 🎨

I have a ladybird squishmallow that travels on holiday with me – even accompanying for IVF treatment abroad! See photo below for actual evidence. ⤵️

My experience of TTC (Trying To Conceive) has been 5 IUIs and 3 cycles of IVF and sadly no positive results. 

My path changed a few years ago due to a health condition which impacted my decision to continue with fertility treatment.

Who Is IVF Uncensored For?

IVF Uncensored is a platform dedicated to supporting women from diverse backgrounds who are navigating fertility challenges or considering fertility treatment.

This fertility website is for you IF: 


🌸 You’ve Started IVF CYCLES.


What IVF Uncensored, The Fertility Website Can Offer You! 

🌸 Finally a fertility website that shows the real faces of the fertility community and its rich diversity.

🌸 Shares real stories from the lips of our community regardless of the outcome – all fertility stories should be told, not just those that end in pregnancy. 

🌸 Empowering information from a range of experts as I believe it takes a village to enhance a TTC (Trying To Conceive) journey! 

🌸 There’s No judgment! Simple resources in plain language that offers you what you want, when you need it. 

🌸 Not just a fertility website but IVF Uncensored is a newsletter to, sending you regular updates so you’re always part of the conversation.

🌸 Free FERTILITY AFFIRMATION CARDS easy to use, get these beautiful cards of positivity. DOWNLOAD HERE

🌸 Free IVF CONSULTATION QUESTIONS easy to use, these printable questions can empower you during your fertility consultations. DOWNLOAD HERE

Have you ever struggled to know what could help make your fertility treatment experience better?  

How can you find comfort and support during all stages of TTC (Trying To Conceive) and not just 9-5 Monday- Friday, when the clinic is open? 

Do you ever feel alone on this fertility path? 

Why brave this road alone, when we can walk together.” 


Would You Feel Less Alone IF:

You Saw Yourself In Fertility Spaces and In The Faces Of Fertility Specialists? 

Would That Enhance Your Experience In The TTC World?

Walking into a medical environment are you use to seeing yourself underrepresented in the clinical staff, doctors, nurses and patients? 

Personally for me as a black British female being the only person that looks like me in a space can be uncomfortable.

I know the importance of diversity in a fertility setting as it can make the difference between feeling seen and valued VERSUS left out and ignored. 

How My Fertility Website Is A Breath Of Fresh Air, Helping Our Community 

If you’ve ever been made to feel the weight of taboos surrounding infertility with your family and wider circle! 

If you’ve felt the pressure to conform to traditional family norms when it comes to using fertility treatments!

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re fully in the picture when it comes to your interactions with medical professionals! 

My fertility website is for YOU! 

Why This Fertility Website Has Changed My View On TTC (Trying To Conceive)

Before I began my fertility journey, I was so naive. I thought;

Why would I need emotional support? 🤷🏾‍♀️

If I followed the doctor’s treatment plan to the letter, then I’d soon be walking off with my baby. 


Boy! was I wrong 😑. 

Today I feel the most empowered I have ever felt! I have been able to meet a whole range of experts from doctors to holistic experts. 

I truly understand the importance of diversity.

I truly understand why it’s so important to understand how to advocate for yourself.

I truly understand why it’s important to find your fertility tribe and get that emotional support and ask questions! 

These are things I wish I knew before  starting fertility treatment.

I’m sharing them with you NOW. 💪🏾

My Love For Online Fertility Support Groups


Finding the right support group is essential during fertility treatment. And I am fascinated with the role of online fertility support groups. 

Like my love of bright colours, you can always find information and support that can brighten the darkest parts of TTC (Trying To Conceive).

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. ” 

Coretta Scott King

My love of online fertility support groups continues, whether it’s a website like mine; IVF Uncensored, a Facebook/ Reddit group or even through an amazing WhatsApp group, finding your tribe is so important.

3 Tips For Finding The Online Fertility Support Groups, That Work for You! 

  • Don’t forget you can join more than one group, even though keeping up with the conversations can be tricky at times with so many going on at once. 
  • Find a group that caters specifically to your needs as well as general IVF/ Fertility groups. 
  • Make sure the group is active, there’s nothing worse than being approved to join your perfect group only to find radio silence. 🤐 

Online fertility support groups give you 24/7 hour support and there is always someone on hand to boost your spirits and make you feel less alone.



Read What The Fertility Community Says About My FREE FERTILITY AFFIRMATION CARDS!


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About Me

About Me

Dainty Gloves, IVFer

After four years in the game of IVF treatment, I am here to give you a bull-free insight into the World of IVF.
I’m now an experienced IVFer with bags and bags of knowledge to share with you.

My hope is to equip everyone going through this fertility treatment with the information they need to support the journey.
IVF can be a rollercoaster; full of emotions and even physical and mental changes due to the IVF medication (at times).
But don’t worry I am your go-to companion giving you the real deal and answers to the questions, you may not think to ask or know to ask!
Keeping IVF Real – with love!